Date/Time 04 Mar 2024 18:29:00


SET News :SET and mai to extend trading hours, effective from March 25

Symbol SET
Source SET
SET News 22/2024 March 4, 2024 SET and mai to extend trading hours, effective from March 25 BANGKOK, March 4, 2024 - The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) and Market for Alternative Investment (mai) plan to start the afternoon trading session 30 minutes earlier to better align with the regional markets and offer investors with more trading opportunity. The new trading hours, starting from March 25, 2024, will be as follows: Pre-open Session II (afternoon session) Current Trading Hours: 14:00 - 14:30* hrs. New Trading Hours (From Mar 25, 2024): 13:30 - 14:00* hrs. Trading Session II (afternoon session) Current Trading Hours: 14:30* - 16:30 hrs. New Trading Hours (From Mar 25, 2024): 14:00* - 16:30 hrs. * The random 5-minute opening and closing times will remain unchanged. In conjunction with the SET's new trading schedule, Thailand Futures Exchange PCL (TFEX) will also extend its trading hours for equity futures & options, currency futures, and interest rate futures by starting the afternoon session 30 minutes earlier. For more information, please visit and . "SET...Make it Work for Everyone" Follow us on Twitter @SET_Thailand_EN ______________________________________________________________________