5) Developing intelligence media to create wealth for investors
by accessing e-books via
an application, called “SET e-book,” to increase convenience and expand access to learning about
financial planning and investment, as well as the translated version of “Global Technology Audit
Guide ” by cooperating with the Institute of Internal Auditors of Thailand to promote expertise of
listed company executives and the general public.
6) Developing e-Library@Maruey by offering online reading
facilities in Maruey Library, which is a part of SET, to enable
investors and others, both in Bangkok and other provinces, to
access financial and investment knowledge 24/7. Throughout
2012, more than 426,000 people used the library’s online service
to research investment information and participated in other
learning promotion activities of the Maruey Library at online
libraries, the SET Head Office, or on the second floor of The
Esplanade complex, Bangkok.
Boosting capacity and strength for intermediaries: upgrading standards of securities professionals
Enhancing the operational expertise of securities professionals
In parallel with creating quality investors, SET, via TSI, has an important role and mission to develop the expertise of
professionals in the securities market by setting and supervising examinations certifying to their standards of proficiency.
TSI focuses on creating and maintaining proficiency standards for professionals to prepare for an expansion of the Thai
capital market and competition at an international level. TSI aims to enhance the capacity of these professionals by increasing their
expertise and instilling professional ethics based on a rigorous code of conduct together with a professional spirit to service investors.
In 2012, TSI followed up on its earlier efforts by cooperating with Association of Thai Securities Companies to develop various
projects and curricula. In 2012, more than 2,700 people attended these training programs:
1) Strengthening the
“New Investment Consultants (NICs)”
program to develop consultants for new generation investors,
2) Strengthening
“Brokers’ Modern Investment Consultants
to develop the expertise of investment consultants,
“Strengthening Back Office Personnel”
to produce roadmaps
to develop proficiency of back office personnel in key areas for
this group of professionals, 4)
“Strengthening Junior Analysts”
to develop the new generation of securities analysts for the
industry. TSI also developed curricula and training in various
topics to expand the expertise in product analysis and other
necessary skills for securities professionals.
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