Group 16553
Group 16157

วิธีคำนวณหา ISIN

International Securities Identification Number
"Thai ISIN Code" is Constracted according to the standard ISO 6166. Each code contains 12 digits :
Group 18237
Group 18227 PREFIX ( 2 digits )
Alpha - 2 country code ( according to standard ISO 3166 ) 'TH' = Thailand
Group 18228 Basic Number ( 9 digits )
Group 18236
ba) The first group of 4 digits is code of company.
Example : 0001 , 0002 , 0003 , ..........
bb) The second group of 2 digits is type of securities.
Example :
01 = common stock , unit trust
02 = preferred stock
03 = debenture
04 = convertible debenture
05 = warrant
06 = short-term warrant
07 = short-term debenture
08 = derivative warrant
10 = transferable subscription rights
99 = thai baht currency
bc) The third group of 2 digits is date of maturity which contains :
  • the first digit is the maturity year code :
Group 18235
  • the second digit is the maturity month code : 1= Jan., 2= Feb.,......, 9= Sep. As of October, the second digit code will be alphbet. A= Oct., B= Nov., C= Dec.
  • common stock / preferred stock defines Z when changing par value.
Maturity Year
Maturity Year
CodeMaturity YearCodeMaturity YearCodeMaturity YearCode
 1991  1 2001 2011 2021 2031 
1992 22002  20122022  22032 
1993  3 2003 D2013  N2023  3 2033
1994 42004  E2014  O2024  4 2034 E
1995 5 2005 F 2015 P 2025 52035  F
1996 6 2006 G 2016 Q 2026 6 - -
1997  72007  H 2017 R 2027 7 - -
1998  8 2008 I 2018 S2028  8 - -
1999 92009  J 2019 T2029  9 - -
2000 A 2010 K2020 U 2030 A - -
bd) 1 digit is reserved for internal use.
common stock / preferred stock : 0 = Local / 1 = Foreign
if unit trust changes the extended life via exchange the old certificates : 
A = Local / B = Foreign
debentures :
0 = Local fixed interest rate
1 = Local floated interest rate
2 = Foreign fixed interest rate
3 = Foreign float interest rate
4 = Local fixed interest rate with low par when compared to the first issue
5 = Local fixed interest rate with high par when compared to the first issue
6 = Foreign fixed interest rate with low par when compared to the first issue
7 = Foreign fixed interest rate with high par when compared to the first issue
8 = Local zero coupon
9 = Foreign zero coupon
convertible debentures :
0 = Local fixed interest rate
1 = Local floated interest rate
3 = Foreign fixed interest rate
4 = Foreign float interest rate
derivative warrants :
0 = Fully-Covered / Share Settlement (Local)
1 = Fully-Covered / Share Settlement (Foreign)
2 = Partial Collateralized / Share Settlement (Local)
3 = Partial Collateralized / Share Settlement (Foreign)
4 = Partial Collateralized / Cash Settlement (Local)
5 = Partial Collateralized / Cash Settlement (Foreign)
6 = Non-Collateralized / Share Settlement (Local)
7 = Non-Collateralized / Share Settlement (Foreign)
8 = Non-Collateralized / Cash Settlement (Local)
9 = Non-Collateralized / Cash Settlement (Foreign)
Group 18231 CHECK DIGIT ( 1 digit ) 
Computed according to modules 10 " Double-Add-Double "
Example :
The Industrial Finance Corporation of Thailand
Warrant whose expiration date is 
1997/11/07 (yyy/mm/dd). 
T H - 0 0 1 3 0 5 7 B 0 
2 9 1 7 0 0 1 3 0 5 7 1 1 0 
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 
2 18 1 14 0 0 1 6 0 10 7 2 1 0 
= 2+1+8+1+1+4+0+0+1+6+0+1+0+7+2+1+0 = 35

Check digit = 5
PTT Public Company Limited Ordinary Share (Local) 
T H - 0 6 4 6 0 1 0 0 0 
2 9 1 7 0 6 4 6 0 1 0 0 0 
2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 
4 9 2 7 0 6 8 6 0 1 0 0 0 
= 4+9+2+7+0+6+8+6+0+1+0+0+0 = 43

Check digit = 7
Advanced Info Service Public Company Limited 
Ordinary Share (Foreign) 
T H - 0 2 6 8 0 1 0 Z 1 
2 9 1 7 0 2 6 8 0 1 0 3 5 1 
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 
2 1 8 1 1 4 0 4 6 1 6 0 2 0 6 5 2 
=2+1+8+1+1+4+0+4+6+1+6+0+2+0+6+5+2 = 49

Check digit = 1