Page 47 - SET SD 2563 - EN
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Employee Development Social Development Environmental Management Performance Summary GRI Standards Content Index
Communication Channels and Participation
Although SET was strictly adhering to social distancing measures in 2020, we were still able to develop and improve our online and office channels to stimulate two-way communications between managers and employees, as follows:
• “Conversations with P’Pui” via Facebook Live
An online channel for discussions, the exchange of ideas and communications between managers and employees regarding important news and operational policies within the organization. In 2020, the program was broadcast 33 times, viewed by an average 27% of all employees.
• SET Open Talk and Tea Time Activity
Online or offline channels to exchange views on work and life in the organization with governors and managers through two activities: 1) SET Open Talk, an online channel launched in October 2020, which received 28 messages for SET governors and managers by the end of 2020, and 2) The Tea Time Activity launched in August 2020 as a means to speak closely with governors and managers. This latter activity took place 8 times.
• SET’s Employee Club
SET established the SET Employee Club, which is governed
by the SET Employee Club Committee comprising 21 elected or appointed employees who serve for a one-year term. The Committee is tasked with organizing activities to promote the SET DNA values among employees. The Club also acts as a channel for employee on-the-job training, to help them develop skills beyond those relating to their regular work responsibilities, practice their leadership skills, promote creative expression, and encourage social responsibility.
During this past year, SET’s Employee Club 2020 organized activities to build relationships between employees and the organization under the ‘Happy Together’ concept and in line with remote working approaches. These activities focused on using technology to communicate and promote participation, such as the Happy Fit application developed for the “Fit from Home” project, which encouraged employees to exercise at home by counting their steps. By the end of the project, 428 employees participated and achieved a collective total of 130 million steps. In addition, SET’s Employee Club organized the SET New Year Party 2021: Anywhere with You event via Facebook Live so that all employees could join the event from anywhere.
#SET #StayStrong