Sustainability Report 2017

Sustainability Report 2017 6 Market capitalization at end-2016 selected as constituents of Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI), the highest number of listed firms among all ASEAN exchanges among global stock exchanges with outstanding listed company disclosure by Corporate Knights in Southeast Asia awarded by Alpha Southeast Asia selected as members of FTSE4Good Emerging Indexes , the highest number of listed firms among all ASEAN exchanges Southeast Asia Emerging Markets 2017, by magazine, UK from IR Magazine, the highest number of listed firms among all ASEAN exchanges by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment by ASEAN Energy Awards 2017 included in Thailand Sustainability Investment (THSI) , or the ESG stock list in Energy Conservation for EE Creative Building (New and Existing Building) by the Ministry of Energy +15.62% Ranked Best Central Securities Depository listed companies listed companies Thailand Energy Awards 2017: listed companies IR Awards Excellence Gold Medal (Excellence) Green Office Award Best Sustainable Securities Exchange 2 nd Runner-up  for Green Building Award FTSE4Good DJSI THSI 11 +13.66% th 10 2017: Becoming a Sustainability Leader in ASEAN SET focuses on business and capital market development to serve the investment and economic expansion in the digital era and achieve the competitive edge of the Thai capital market amid economic, social and environmental challenges. In 2017, SET was outstanding in terms of the capital market growth, operation and service quality and listed company quality. 17 35 65 SET Index at end-2016 (102-10)