Sustainability Report 2017

59 Topic Indicator Unit Performance 2015 2016 2017 Social Development Number of people accessing the Capital Market Knowledge Center Network 3 persons 300,000 250,000 600,000 Number of employees participating in Happy Money Happy Retirement project persons 172,000 187,000 680,000 Number of people who visited the Investment Discovery Museum "INVESTORY" persons - 35,000 40,000 Number of views on the SET Social Impact website views - - 157,000 Number of members of the SET Social Impact platform members N/A 77 123 Contributions to the SET Foundation THB million 401 401 221 Number of shares donated to the Making Merits through Stock Sharing project shares - - 368,647 Environmental Management Procurement value of green products and services % - - 51 Total electricity consumption kilowatt hours 13,315,300 8,868,000 8,973,000 Total solar power consumption kilowatt hours - 68,959 65,795 Total water consumption cubic meters 71,137 83,384 53,105 Total water reused cubic meters N/A 17,812 8,030 Total recyclable waste kilograms N/A 2,309 4,843 Total non-recyclable waste kilograms N/A 8,271 12,476 Total organic waste kilograms N/A 1,173 3,551 Total toxic waste kilograms N/A 17 42 Total GHG emissions - Scope 1 tons of CO 2 e N/A 191 175 Total GHG emissions - Scope 2 tons of CO 2 e N/A 5,162 5,223 Total GHG emissions - Scope 3 tons of CO 2 e N/A 35 50 Remark: 1 The results of the satisfaction survey for SET services among key stakeholders, including listed companies, member companies, asset management firms and the SEC. 2 Based on the number of injuries per 200,000 hours worked (100 employees working for 40 hours per week for 50 weeks) 3 Capital Market Knowledge Center Network consists of Mareuy Library, SET Investment Centers and SET Corners. N/A is Not Available