Sustainability Report 2017

Sustainability Report 2017 58 Topic Indicator Unit Performance 2015 2016 2017 Revenues and Expenses Operating revenues THB million 4,518 5,099 5,006 Other income THB million 697 948 1,325 Total revenues THB million 5,215 6,047 6,331 Employee benefit expenses THB million 1,372 1,466 1,569 Operating expenses THB million 1,823 1,998 2,249 Total expenses THB million 3,335 3,694 3,818 Income tax expenses THB million 140 230 504 Sustainability Management Average board meeting attendance % 91 91 94 Number of complaints or reports of misconduct cases 0 0 0 Number of suppliers signed to express intent to comply with the SET Supplier Code of Conduct % - 52 80 Customer satisfaction 1 % 96 85 89 Market Growth Number of listed companies selected in Thailand Sustainability Investment (THSI) companies 51 51 65 Number of listed companies selected in Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) companies 13 14 17 Number of listed companies selected in FTSE4Good Emerging Indexes companies N/A 30 35 Average Corporate Governance Report (CGR) score of listed companies % 75 78 80 Number of listed companies disclosing ESG information in line with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) framework % N/A N/A 11 Number of views on the SET's investment education platform million views 3.33 4.96 11.80 Number of new dollar-cost averaging (DCA) accounts for investment in stocks and mutual funds accounts - - 37,400 Number of applicants for investment consultant (IC) exams persons 69,500 66,000 80,000 Number of participants in the Young Financial Star (YFS) Competition persons 5,792 5,640 5,900 Employee Development Number of employees by gender male:female 31:69 32:68 31:69 Number of employees with disabilities persons 4 4 4 Average annual employees training man-days man-days 5.4 10 6.9 Number of employees trained on occupational health and safety % - - 60 Injury rate 2 cases 0 0 0 Employee turnover rate % 6 6 6.5 SET Sustainability Performance Summary (201-1)