Sustainability Report 2017

Sustainability Report 2017 56 • SET allocated 4 types of bins with distinctive waste signs: recyclable waste, organic waste, non-recyclable waste and toxic waste. • SET campaigned proper waste separation via Green Market activities. • SET campaigned the “Little Bin for Each Alley” project to reduce waste and promote waste sorting among staff. • SET conducted the “Zero Foam No Plastic” project, resulting in a decrease of styrofoam waste by 85%. SET requested for staff cooperation in banning styrofoam containers in the SET building, aiming to achieve zero foam waste by 2018. • SET promoted plastic bag reuse among all vendors in the canteen. Since efficient and sustainable waste management requires cooperation from all staff, SET has therefore promoted waste management through campaigning and training activities among employees under the concept of 4Rs: “Rethink, Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle”. This initiative resulted in proper waste sorting and awareness of non-recyclable waste problems, including waste recycling challenges for styrofoam, glasses and some certain types of plastic bags. In 2017, the following activities were carried out: Amount of recycled and reused waste % 40 The waste amount totaled 20,912 kilograms, a 38% increase from the previous year, since SET hosted more activities in 2017. However, with the staff cooperation in waste separation and efficient waste management, the recyclable and organic wastes accounted for 40% of the total waste, an increase of 10% from the previous year. Waste Management (306-2)