Sustainability Report 2017

53 1 2 3 4 SET has continued to evaluate environment impact from resource and energy use, particularly from activities in SET office buildings, to develop appropriate environmental management plans and measures to minimize environmental impact and increase energy and resource efficiency. SET has developed Energy and Environmental Conservation Policy and set up a working group to continuously develop, monitor and report SET’s environmental performance to the management and the Board of Governors. SET also defined material environmental issues to ensure utmost efficient management tominimize SET’s environmental impact and increase the efficiency of energy and resource consumption. Green Procurement • Purchasing green products and services • Raising awareness of green procurement in the organization Waste Management • Waste reduction in SET office buildings • Promoting how to systematically sort out wastes Greenhouse Gas Management • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from operations • Reporting of greenhouse gas emissions Resource Management • Electricity consumption • Water management • Utilization of technology to reduce negative environmental impact (102-48)