Sustainability Report 2017

Sustainability Report 2017 46 Promoting Collaboration for Social Impact Promoting Social Investment Through Online Channels Apart from being the country’s center of fundraising and securities trading, SET is committed to building synergy between capital market participants, particularly listed firms, and the civil society to enhance the quality of life of the communities and promote positive social impact. In doing so, SET has established the SET Social Impact platform to support collaboration among all related parties through a website, social media, seminars, workshops and training activities. Highlights of activities in 2017 are as follows: • SET established the SET Social Impact website as the center of information, knowledge and news about the civil society. In addition, the website also serves as a channel to promote social products and services. In 2017, there were more than 157,000 views on the website. The members of the website consisted of 61 large-sized companies and 62 social organizations and foundations. • SET developed the Facebook page to communicate and provide information, knowledge and news about social activities of the business and social sectors. In 2017, there was an average of 33,000 views monthly. • SET publicized and distributed products of 14 social enterprises through online channels in line with the concept of “Festive Giving to Never Ending Social Giving”. In 2017, there were over 8.36 million views counted and over THB 325,000 of revenue generated from the sales of the products. • SET organized the “SE 101 Workshop 2017” to develop social entrepreneur skills useful for business development. The workshop highlighted several topics, including market research, business model construction, business scaling strategies, law, ROI and financial models, social impact assessment, social return on investment and risk management. In 2017, SET held a total of 10 training activities with 40 attendants on average. The activities attracted 7 new social entrepreneurs to participate. • SET organized the “SE 201 Workshop 2017” to encourage social impact investment among listed companies. In 2017, more than 30 listed companies attended the workshop. Developing Social Enterprises (413-1), (413-2)