Sustainability Report 2017

41 In 2017, there was no incident of accidents at work. In addition, SET also provided special programs for employee healthy lifestyles in other areas: • Healthcare services, including having a medical doctor and a nurse available at the in-house clinic, Thai massage treatment and health knowledge sharing activites. • Annual health check-up for all employees • Spraying virus disinfectants four times in the office building and spraying insecticides monthly to get rid of mosquitoes, termites, ants and dust mites. • Sports activities and exercise classes such as table tennis, zumba dance, yoga, football, etc. Turnover rate of employees Number of employees participating in safety training activities % % 6.5 60 Employee Engagement Employee engagement is important for long-term organizational growth. SET has conducted an annual engagement survey among employees through the Little Voice, Great Value project. The survey results are used for human resource development, including leadership development and long-term employee training, in line with the SET DNA. SET hired Aon Hewitt (Thailand) to conduct the 2017 engagement survey, which scored 74%, higher than the Thailand’s top quartile score at 72%.