Sustainability Report 2017

29 • In 2017, there were 65 companies selected in the Thailand Sustainability Investment (THSI). These companies were either DJSI members or those that have passed the SET’s ESG evaluation, and approved by the THSI working group. The number of THSI members increased by 14 companies, in 2016. In addition, 24, out of 65 listed companies had outstanding ESG performance and received the SET Sustainability Awards, being role models for other listed companies. In 2018, SET plans to develop a sustainability index as an alternative for investors. As a result of SET’s outstanding ESG development, in 2017 SET received the Best Sustainable Stock Exchange: South East Asia Emerging Market Awards from magazine, based in London, England. Developing Quality Listed Company Professionals SET has continued to develop skills of investor relations and financial professionals to cope with the demand from listed companies as they play important roles in adding value to the business and to the development of the capital market. In addition, SET has also cultivated new generation of financial analysts to serve the growing demand of the financial industry. Developing Investor Relations At present, more than 90% of listed firms have investor relations (IR) executives. SET has carried out a solid plan for IR quality development. • In 2017, SET provided over 700 IR officers and managers with training programs in 3 levels: Basic IR, Intermediate IR and Advanced IR. • A total of 10 companies were selected to participate in IR Advisory program. They were provided with in-depth consultation for IR operation development. Over 90 companies have joined the project since 2011. • SET encouraged listed companies to participate in the annual IR performance evaluation. In 2017, a total of 175 listed companies participated and were informed of the evaluation results and suggestions useful for IR development. • The outstanding performance and development of listed company IR operations have been well recognized among institutional investors. In 2017, a total of 8 listed companies received 11 IR Magazine Awards, the highest number of listed companies from all ASEAN exchanges. Enhancing Financier Proficiency SET has developed skills of potential executives and financiers of listed companies in order to strengthen financial stability of their business. In 2017, related training programs were conducted as follows: • “Strategic CFO in Capital Markets” course has been designed to promote financial strategy knowledge of listed companies to cope with innovation and technological changes. Two programs were conducted and attracted 120 participants. In addition, the SEC has selected this course to be one of the mandatory orientation courses for financial executives of newly listed companies. • “Preparation for Financial Reporting Standard Change Concerning Financial Tools” course has been designed to enhance skills and knowledge of financial accounting and reporting staff of listed companies, focusing on the effective implementation of financial principles and concepts. The course attracted 222 participants from 222 companies in 2017. • “Techniques for Risk Management Analysis of Investment Projects for Sustainable Corporate Value Creation” course has been designed to enhance knowledge and skills required for listed firm financial strategies and risk/opportunity analysis of investment projects.The course was attended by 223 participants from 179 companies in 2017.