Sustainability Report 2017

15 Corporate Governance Organization Governance The SET BoG adheres firmly to good corporate governance in compliance with the international governance standards of The Organisation for Economic and Co-operation (OECD) and the Corporate Governance and Code of Conduct for listed companies. In 2017, the SET BoG merged the 2015 corporate governance policy of the SET group with the 2012 code of conduct of the SET group to become the “2017 Corporate Governance Policy and Code of Conduct of the SET group” for conciseness and practicality. The year 2017 was another challenging year for the SET Board of Governors (BoG) in leading SET amid rapid technology and economic landscape changes while ensuring transparency and efficiency in SET’s operations to enhance stakeholders’ confidence and raise the Thai capital market to be on par with global leading capital markets. SET CG Policy and Code of Conductุ กรรมการ B o a r d o f G o v e r n o r s C o m m i t t e e S t a f f P r e s i d e n t a n d t o p e x e c u t i v e s