Sustainability Report 2017

Sustainability Report 2017 10 3. Identifying and analyzing stakeholder expectations Stakeholders Stakeholder Expectations Communication and Engagement Activities • Listed companies on SET and mai • Entrepreneurs with potential to be listed on the Exchange • Fundraising tools suitable for businesses • Information, news and services that are convenient, timely and accurate • Long-term investor confidence • Enhancement of business competitive advantage at an international level • Meetings • Seminars and training activities • Satisfaction survey • Recognition and award presentation • Retail investors • Institutional investors • Foreign investors • Reasonable and regular investment returns • Variety of products and services • Convenient, timely and reliable services • Efficient and transparent trading process • Easy-to-access and sufficient information for investment decisions • Seminars and training activities • Opportunity Day activities where listed companies meet investors • Securities firms • Asset management firms • Securities professionals (e.g.,investment consultants, investment analysts, investment planners) • Modern operational systems and investment channels that meet investor demand • Information, news, and services that are convenient, timely and accurate • High potential professionals • Meetings • Seminars and training activities • Satisfaction survey • Recognition and award presentation Directors, executives, and employees of the SET group • Professional stability • Self-development and workplace with learning environment • Work-life balance • Seminars and training activities • SET’ Employees Club • Town hall meetings • Engagement survey • Capital market clubs and associations • Press and media • Educational institutions • Foundations and civil society organizations • The general public • Financial literacy for youth and the public • Collaboration in public and private sectors • Development of good quality of life of local communities and society • Meetings • Seminars and training activities • Maruey Library and INVESTORY museum • SET Social Impact Platform • The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) • The public agencies • Compliance with the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 • Support for public policies • Tax payment • Meetings • Participation in government activities Listed companies and Entrepreneurs Investors Intermediaries Employees Society +66(0) 2009 9999 @setcallcenter setgroupofficial SET Thailand To ensure appropriate responses to the demand of each stakeholder group, SET identifies and analyzes stakeholder expectations through a variety of stakeholder engagement activities, including interviews with sustainability experts, requests for listed companies’ opinions, stakeholder satisfaction surveys and meetings with the SET’s Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility Committee. Regulators and the public sector (102-42) (102-40) (102-44) (102-43)