Sustainability Report 2017

Towards Sustainable Growth To promote corporate governance and responsibility for capital market stakeholders, increase operational efficiency through innovation and develop work standards to be widely-accepted at an international level Sustainability Management To promote quality sustainability practices in ESG aspects among listed companies, investors and intermediaries to benefit economic, social and environmental sustainability in the capital market ecosystem Market Growth To prevent and alleviate negative impact on the environment caused by business operations by enhancing resource management efficiency, starting from procurement, consumption, waste management and greenhouse gas emission reduction Environmental Management To cultivate potential of the SET employees in learning environment that facilitates knowledge sharing and foster a culture that promotes creativity for business and social innovation To share corporate resources with the society to support inclusive engagement to develop the quality of life and standard of live and promote financial literacy to ensure quality retirement. Employee Development Social Development 9 Management Approach SET emphasizes on the organization and capital market development by taking ESG impact into consideration and establishing a clear approach to sustainable development and stakeholder engagement, as follows: 1. Monitoring and analyzing megatrends To develop and review the SET Sustainability Framework, SET keeps abreast of global movement and other factors that could affect SET and capital market stakeholders in economic, social and environmental aspects. Such factors include innovation, technological changes, climate change and international sustainability 2. Developing SET Sustainability Framework SET Sustainability Framework guides the direction of sustainability practices of the “SET group” in line with the “Towards Sustainable Growth” strategy. The Framework consists of five key areas as follows: practices and standards, such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards, Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI), United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and United Nations Sustainable Stock Exchanges (SSE) initiative. (102-48)