Sustainability Report 2017

Sustainability Report 2017 8 SET focuses on the organization and capital market development by taking environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues into consideration. Also, SET continues to create stakeholders’ awareness of sustainability management and raise their sustainability standards to achieve value creation, benefiting the economy, society and environment. Over the past two decades, SET has strengthened the foundation of the Thai capital market with corporate governance and sustainable development. Today, SET has continued to raise the standard of sustainability practices of Thai capital market stakeholders to be more efficient and become widely-accepted at an international level. Developing the Sustainable Capital Market 1995 2002 2006 2012 2014 2001 2004 2008 2013 2017 Required a listed firm to establish and audit committee Encouraged listed firms to assess their CG reports Launched the first version of CG Principles for listed companies • CG Principles for listed firms were aligned with OECD’s principles • CSR Awards • Lauched CSR Reporting Guidelines • Encouraged firms to join ASEAN CG Scorecard assessment • Joined United Nations Sustainable Stock Exchanges (SSE) inititive • Launched Thailand Sustainability Investment (THSI) list, or the “ESG stock list” Launched CSR Practicies for listed firms • Lauched ESG Practice Guidelines for listed firms • Encouraged potential firms to participate in the DJSI assessment • Ranked in the top 10 among global stock exchanges with outstanding listed company sustainability disclosure • Best Sustainable Securities Exchange Southeast Asia Emerging Markets 2017 • CG Awards • Investor Relations Awards SET Sustainability Journey