Annual Report 2017

91 (Unit: THB million) 2017 2016 Increase /(Decrease) Amount % Revenue - Technology services 919 971 (52) (5.36) Member services fees 426 509 (83) (16.31) Information service fees 343 340 3 0.88 Customization and IT support fees 150 122 28 22.95 (Unit: THB million) 2017 2016 Increase/(Decrease) Amount % Revenue - Registrar and fund services 1,067 1,018 49 4.81 Securities registrar fees 1,065 1,018 47 4.62 Fund services 2 - 2 100.00 (Unit: THB million) 2017 2016 Increase/(Decrease) Amount % Other income 280 181 99 54.70 Educational activities income 75 73 2 2.74 Revenue from marketing events 53 3 50 1,666.67 Revenue from fees and management funds 28 25 3 12.00 Revenue from rental and utilities 17 12 5 41.67 Revenue from fines 14 21 (7) (33.33) Revenue from transfer rights of membership 10 1 9 900.00 Others 83 46 37 80.43 1.1.3 Technology services Operating revenue from technology services decreased by THB 52 million or 5.36%, compared to 2016. This decrease was mainly from the decrease in the daily average trading volume of both equity and derivative instruments of the SET50 Index Futures. 1.1.4 Registrar and fund services Operating revenue from registrar services rose by THB 49 million or 4.81%, compared to 2016. This was contributed by the rise in annual fee from securities registrar as number of listed securities increased. During 2017, SET expanded fund services (Fund Connext). 1.2 Other income