Annual Report 2017
83 Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility Committee Report In 2017, The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET)’s Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility Committee consisted of five directors from the SET Board of Governors (BoG): 4 independent directors and the SET president. The Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility Committee members were Pichet Sithi-Amnuai as Chairman of the committee, as well as SubhakSiwaraksa, Somchai Thaisa-Nyuavorakul, PrinnPanitchpakdi and Kesara Manchusree as committee members. In 2017, the committee held a total of five meetings, including two meetings with experts on Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility. The committee provided opinions, suggestions and recommendations on the operations of corporate governance and social responsibility development for listed companies, enterprises and other organizations in the capital market. In addition, the committee also discussed the implementation of Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility carried out by the SET group. The attendance record of the committee members is shown in the SET Corporate Governance Report. The committee has performed its duties independently and has completely fulfilled in providing practical opinions with recomendations for the benefit of the operations of corporate governance and social responsibility development as stated in the Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility Committee Charter. The committee reported its performance to the BoG on a quarterly basis. The essence of the matters considered can be summarized as follows: Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility for the SET group The committeeprovidedopinions and recommendations on the direction of SET as a Sustainable Stock Exchange. The committee reviewed the SET group’s operation to be in compliance with the SEC CG Code. Furthermore, the committee also reviewed the SET group’s CG Policy & Code of Conduct in accordance with good corporate governance principles at international level. In order to enhance the corporate governance and best practices of the SET group to cope with the changing environment, the committee reviewed and provided directions on the CG development plan of the SET group from2018 - 2020 and the action plan 2018. In addition, the committee also reviewed the performance assessment process of the BoG. Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility for listed companies, enterprises and other related organizations in the capital market The committee provided opinions and suggestions on SET’s roles and directions in corporate governance development for listed companies. Moreover, to promote listed companies on sustainability development and social responsibility, it was necessary to embrace the SET’s three-year plan (2018-2020) and action plan 2018 to enhance the quality of listed companies. The committee encouraged potential listed companies to be listed in international sustainability index. In addition, the committee also considered the guidelines to promote socially responsible investment. Performance self-assessment TheCorporateGovernanceandSocial ResponsibilityCommittee assessed itself and presented the report to the BoG on an annual basis. In 2017, the self-assessment scores were “good”. In summary, in 2017, For sustainability in the Thai capital market, the committee viewed that SET performed appropriately and efficiently on the development of corporate governance and social responsibility for both the SET group and the stakeholders. The committee also viewed that SET had business plan and implementation to enhance policy and promote corporate governance, best practice and sustainability development among directors, executives and employees, both short term and long term. In addition, SET’s information disclosure in the Corporate Governance Report was suitable and in line with international standards. (Pichet Sithi-Amnuai) Chairman, Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility Committee
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