Annual Report 2017
60 Annual Report 2017 three-year strategic plan (2018-2020) under the theme of “Towards Sustainable Growth with Innovation” aiming to promote growth via innovations. SET will focus on developing the Thai capital market with value added for all sectors under the vision “to grow sustainably and to make the capital market work for everyone”. The budget, manpower plan as well as the corporate KPI for 2018 will be in line with this 3-year strategic plan. The management team will report progress on operations and business outcome to the BoG every quarter. 2. Corporate Governance 2.1 The SET group’s Corpoate Governance and Code of Conduct: The SET Board of Governors has specified that the review of the SET group’s Corpoate Governance and Code of Conduct be carried out regularly every year. The SET group’s Corpoate Governance and Code of Conduct 2017 was in line with international standards: the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) as well as the SEC’s Corporate Governance Code for listed companies 2017. In 2017, the code of business conduct section has been enhanced by adding the individual best practice such as money laundering prevention, conflict of interest prevention and management, insider dealing and confidentiality, and the use of information and technology communications. All these have been reviewed by the Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility Committee and approved by the Board on April 20, 2017. The SET subsidiaries such as Thailand Securities Depository Co., Ltd. (TSD) and Thailand Clearing House Co., Ltd. (TCH) need to have separate Corporate Governance Policy and Code of Conduct accordingly to the nature of business. In 2017, TSD’s and TCH’s Corporate Governance Policy and Code of Conduct were approved by the meeting of the TSD Board and TCH Board on June 29, basd on the SET group’s essence, as well as the international standards in the operation of clearing house such as Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures (PFMIs) and European Market Infrastructure Regulation(EMIR)toensureappropriatenessinaccordance with the objectives and mission of the organization. Other subsidiaries have used the SET group’s Corporate Governance and Code of Conduct which are adequate and cover the current business operations. 2.2 Acquisition or disposition of listed securities 1 by governors and employees In 2017, the SET Board of Governors (BoG) approved the adjustment of the definition of spouse including cohabiting spouse in the regulations. It is considered a duty of the governors and employees of the SET group to educate employees and their spouses and children under 18 to comply with these regulations. The details are as follows: • Governors: To report on their securities holding confidentially • All employees: To seek written approval from their superior before buying or selling securities. Employees are not allowed to sell securities before 30 days of holding. • Employees who are responsible for the work that can have access to internal information are not allowed to buy or sell listed securities directly. The regulations specified that the buying or selling of listed securities must be carried out as an honest investment, not using information or authority from their operations. 1 Listed Securities means listed securities trading on SET, including derivatives contracts traded on TFEX.
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