Annual Report 2017

58 Annual Report 2017 Highlights of the Board of Governors’ profile in 2017 Roles of the Board of Governors The duty of the SET Board of Governors is according to the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (1992). The Board of Governors also has the authority and duty to formulate policies, govern and oversee the SET group’s operations to ensure sustainable growth, in accordance with the Board’s objectives and resolutions including related laws and regulations. A governor should not hold directorship at more than 3 listed companies so that the governors can efficiently dedicate time and effort. The details of the scope of duties and responsibilities of the SET governors are stated in the “SET’s Board Charter” including the chairman’s role, the governors’ meetings, the Board’s performance assessment. The separation of the role and duty between the Board and management The chairman is a non-executive director, is not the same person as the president and has no relationship with the management. As a leader, the chairman plays a key role in policy decision-making, with supports and suggestions to the management, not intervening in any routine activity under the president’s responsibilities. The roles of the chairman and the president are separated to ensure an appropriate balance of power, as summarized below: Structure and Independence Board of Governors’ profile Details on SET’s Board Charter, and Committees’ Charter are available on the SET website under the topic “SET CG Principles”. Meeting attendance rate (%) Tenure as SET governors (number of years) Directorship held in listed companies (number of firms) Number of governors None 2 firms 1 firms 3 firms More than 2 1-2 90-100% 10 11 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 7 1 10 36% Female governors 91% Non- Independence Direcors