Annual Report 2017
56 Annual Report 2017 Whistle-Blowing Policy SET has set a policy for all stakeholders to report or notify directly to the chairman of the Audit Committee about wrongdoings, violations of rights, violations of Code of Conduct, incorrect financial reports or internal control systems of the SET group. Investigations will be conducted and the findings will be reported to the SET BoG for decision of next steps. However, no significant complaint on ethical issue was made in 2017. Channels for whistleblower All stakeholders can communicate report on illegal acts to the Chairman of the Audit Committee by 1. e-mail 2. Postal mail Chairman of the Audit Committee Internal Audit Department The Stock Exchange of Thailand 93 Ratchadaphisek Road, Dindaeng Bangkok 10400 Moreover, SET has specified the Compliance Department to be responsible for receiving report or complaint from employees about wrongdoings or events that could violate the SET Code of Conduct. Disclosure and Transparency The BoG emphasizes the quality of information disclosed to ensure that important information for business operations and securities trading is distributed sufficiently, accurately, timely and transparently. The SET website is available in both Thai and English languages. Samples are as follows: • SET’s published information on its overall operations covering the vision and mission of the SET group, the structure of the SET group operations, names and profiles of SET governors and executives, the SET operations report, whistleblowing channels, including information on corporate governance and corporate social responsibility. • Listed companies’ and securities companies’ information: rules and regulations for listed companies and securities companies, trading surveillance and compliance, news and information on various seminars and events, etc. • Investors and potential investors’ information: financial products / services, trading data, listed companies’ profile, investment knowledge , policy for protecting the rights and benefits of investors, etc. • SET financial reports : SET’s annual financial report, including audited financial statements andManagement Discussion and Analysis will be available on website no later than 60 days after year-end, (same criteria as listed companies). The 2017 SET financial report was published on February 21, 2018. The BoG provides a statement of its responsibilities related to the SET financial reports alongside the auditor’s report in the SET’s annual report. SET’s annual report is also available on its website no later than 60 days after year-end, (same criteria as listed companies). SET’s 2017 annual report is planned to circulate to the members’ meeting on April 18, 2018.
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