Annual Report 2017
55 Key supporting activities to implement the Anti-misconduct and Anti-corruption policies in 2017 Communicating the intention in the Anti-misconduct and Anti-corruption policies Internal • Disseminated “SET’s Anti-Corruption Guidelines” and “No Gift Policy” via internal site • Provided an orientation of SET’s Anti-Corruption Guidelines to new employees Suppliers, listed companies, other stakeholders etc. • Arranged the first meeting with business partners to help them understand SET’s anti-misconduct and anti-corruption policies by clearly identifying the wordings of the anti-corruption policy in procurement process such as purchasing order forms, bidding announcements, and terms of reference announcements • Sent the circulate letter and newsletters to requested listed companies and security companies to cooperate in refraining from giving gifts to SET staff in order to create standard for best practice • Posted “SET’s Anti-Corruption Guidelines” and “No Gift Policy” on the SET website Risk assessment of the anti-corruption Fraud and corruption are considered key risks facing the organization. Every year, each department must evaluate and identify the measures required to manage such risks. Each department has to continuously monitor and report risk status to ensure that SET can handle risks in a timely manner and manage risks efficiently, keeping them at an acceptable level. The Risk Management Department regularly tracks and reports risk status to senior management, the Risk Management Committee and the SET Board of Governors, keeping them constantly informed. The Internal Audit Department verifies the effectiveness of internal control measures related to the prevention of fraud and corruption. Monitoring of the anti-corruption policy’s implementation The Compliance Department is directly responsible for consulting with and providing suggestions to staff, as well as ensuring that SET operations comply with SET anti-corruption policy and guidelines. In addition, this unit manages whistle-blowing from staff who has found actions likely to lead to corruption, coordinating with the internal audit department for investigation, for transparency and fair treatment with all parties and then report to the SET president and the Audit Committee. Creating awareness in the anti-misconduct and anti-corruption policies among governors, executives and staff SET has continuously encouraged our governors, executives and employees to participate in various activities to support anti-corruption efforts, for example: • The SET Chairman joined the committee of the Anti-Corruption Organization of Thailand, representing SET in meetings and exchanging ideas which are beneficial to the development of anti-corruption guidelines for Thailand. • SET governors, executives and employees attended the academic discussion under the concept “The New Government! The Same Old Corruption!?”, organized by the Anti-Corruption Organization of Thailand (ACT) on September 6, 2017. • SET governors, executives and employees joined the Anti-Corruption Day 2017 under the concept “Zero Tolerance with Corruption” organized by Anti-Corruption Organizations of Thailand joinly with both public and private sectors on December 9, 2017 SET is committed to complying with the policy of prohibiting the acceptance of gifts in order to establish good governance and best practice for employees to follow with transparency, without conflict of interest. This policy has been communicated to the third party and all stakeholders in order to establish a shared understanding and common culture in the fight against misconduct and corruption.
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