Annual Report 2017

52 Annual Report 2017 Number of full-time employees males 228 738 employees females 510 Turnover rate Number of sick leave days Accident or sickness rate a decrease from last year, competitive to the industry Employee engagement compared to worldwide companies, increasing from last year 5.5% approximately 1.12 days/year Engagement Percentile 74 th 0 None work-related accidents or sickness • Developed fundamentals of the capital market structure such as FundConnext giving investors and savers fast and convenient access to a variety of mutual funds, increasing efficiency for asset management companies and brokers; the development of information receiving and disclosure system of listed companies by adding automatic alert for important information, among others. To comply with the Securities and Exchange Act, the Board held the annual general meeting of member companies on April 26, 2017. The Board appointed the Audit Committee chairman who is independent to verify the vote counting and providing opportunities for members to voice their opinions freely. Best practice on investors and general public SET focuses on developing a variety of products and services as options for investors and general public, while promoting investment knowledge so that they understand the products and risks and can choose appropriate investment plan at acceptable risk level and can finally become quality investors. SET also supports the culture of regular savings and investment such as the investment savings plan project, Investnow project to prepare everyone for happy retirement, and others. Human resource management SET recognizes that employees are SET’s most valuable resource so SET is committed to focusing on the importance of recruiting, retaining and developing its human resources, covering safety, benefits, andwelfare for all employees, based on righteousness, transparency, fairness and non-violation of human rights. In addition, SET supports and synergizes the positive atmosphere of the workplace, entailing happiness, unity and long-term loyalty to the organization. These include providing provident fund for employees, awarding corporate scholarship for higher education both in Thailand and abroad, providing loan benefit by founding a savings co-operative to encourage savings habits and loan services amongmembers. Moreover, SET also provides annual physical checkup for employees, and a clinic with medical staff. We design and arrange the workplace by applying ergonomic theory, and encourage work-life balance among employees. Highlights of human resource management in 2017