Annual Report 2017

51 Employees • Providing development programs to enhance employee competency and career advancement opportunities • Managing remuneration and other benefits for employees andmanagement, taking into account the economic situation and SET’s long-term achievement, competitively to other leading organizations • ProtectingthesafetyandwelfarebenefitsofemployeeswithequaltreatmentandNon-ViolationofHumanRights. • Setting up effective communication channels between management and staff and implementing activities regularly and consistently, covering strategic objectives and directions for the capital market. In addition, all employee opinions and suggestions must be fairly and equally treated. Business partners • Treating suppliers and business partners with fairness and transparency, based on mutual benefit • Avoiding dishonest conduct purposely carried out to benefit suppliers / business partners. All parties must strictly comply with contractual agreements, obligations and conditions • Encouraging partners on the importance and respect of human rights, and consideration of social and environmental aspects • Monitoring and evaluating the business partners to develop business transactions in a sustainable manner Creditors • Complying with contracts or agreements transparently • Managing effectively to ensure that creditors have trust in SET’s financial status and debt repayment ability (solvency) Competitors • Competing fairly, not seeking to obtain competitive intelligence dishonestly and not being involved in illegal actions to gain competitive information or beat competitors Government sector • Supporting the government’s policies, in compliance with the rules and regulations of regulatory commission entities, as well as promoting and supporting various government activities to strengthen national stability and growth Society, community and the environment • Keeping in mind the responsibilities to the society community and environment, ensuring the employees are knowledgeable about Social Responsibility and strongly encouraging employees’ participation in these activities (Please find more details in SET’s Sustainability Report 2017.) Please find more details on Corporate Governance Policy and Code of Conduct Manual 2017 on SET website under the topic: “Corporate Governance” Best practice on stakeholders in the capital market SET realizes the rights and treatment of all groups of stakeholders in the capital market such as member companies, listed companies, asset management companies, etc. based on honesty, integrity and transparency. SET focuses on the synergy of sustainable growth, growing together in all sectors. SET also provides channels for stakeholders to express their constructive opinions or suggestions for improvement. The highlights of operation are as shown below: • Attended a meeting with the Association of Thai Securities Companies’ board of directors to discuss the problems and obstacles in the operation of securities business with suggestions for improvement. • Attended a meeting with the management of member companies to listen to their viewpoints such as the two-daysettlementcycle(T+2)project,thedevelopment of personnel in securities business 2017, the impact and operation plan to cope with investment consultants’ structural change, including the CEO Networking for top executives of member companies to strengthen relationship and exchange ideas for securities business development, etc. • Encouraged qualified companies to be listed on the stock exchange while enhancing listed companies’ quality towards sustainable growth by embracing environmental, social and governance aspects before entering an assessment process to be selected and included in the Thailand Sustainability Investment: THSI list or entering the assessment process for the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI). SET also encouraged listed companies to disclose any information to investors transparently. In 2017, SET was ranked number 10th out of 55 global stock exchanges for the sustainability disclosure reports of Thai listed companies, according to the research studies conducted by Corporate Knights, a media, research and financial in- formation products company based in Toronto, Canada.