Annual Report 2017
49 Corporate Governance The Stock Exchange of Thailand’s Board of Governors (BoG) adheres firmly to good corporate governance to ensure that business operations have efficiency, transparency, fairness in management, with responsibility for society and environment to build trust to all groups of stakeholders. To support the capital market, which is the mechanism for economic and social development for sustainable growth, the Board has approved the “Corporate Governance Policy and Code of Conduct Manual” and reviews the manual annually. The summary of key corporate governance activities in 2017 is as follows: • The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) approved the three-year strategic plan (2018-2020) framework under the concept of “Towards Sustainable Growth with Innovation” in order to use innovation as a key driver for the Thai capital market to grow sustainably, and to make the capital market work for everyone. SET has adjusted and added organizational indicators for efficiency and business expansion with innovation in order to prepare the change in business and technology landscape. Some examples are: developing the FundConnext system via FinTech innovation to enable investors to invest in a variety of mutual funds more conveniently and faster; and developing the innovative LIVE platform for startups and SMEs entrepreneurs to access sources of fund. • SET held the “SET innovation Awards 2017”, the first of its kind, to promote innovative inventions among SET employees. The competition aims to enhance the organization towards practical implementation, cultivate innovative culture, as well as increasing motivation in the workplace. • SET supported the setting up of a creative innovation hub by cooperating with private and public sectors aiming to promote the country’s development via innovations and technology to drive the economy towards sustainable growth. • SET places importance on being a role model for other organizations in the capital market in conducting our business with transparency and strictly in compliance with the laws and the principles of good corporate governance. SET reviews the roles and responsibilities of the Board and various committees annually in accordance with the OECD Principles of Corporate Governance, SET’s Principles of Good Corporate Governance 2012 for listed companies and the SEC Corporate Governance Code for listed companies 2017, while reviewing the SET group’s Corporate Governance Policy and Code of Conduct manual. In 2017, SET adjusted the policies regarding Prevention on Money Laundering, Prevention on Conflict of Interest, Insider Dealing and Confidentiality and Information and Communications Technology previously applied to individuals now to be used corporate wide, in line with our business today. In addition, the definition of spouse including cohabiting spouse in the Rules of The Stock Exchange of Thailand Re: Good Practices and Restrictions regarding the Acquisition or Disposition of Listed Securities and Report on Interest by Governors B.E. 2560 (2017) and the Rules of the Stock Exchange of Thailand has also been redefined Re: Acquisition or Disposition of Listed Securities by Employees B.E. 2560 (2017). To regulate The Thailand Securities Depository Co., Ltd. (TSD) and The Thailand Clearing House Co., Ltd. (TCH), the Board of Directors of these two subsidiaries have approved the Corporate Governance Policy and Code of Conduct for each company mainly based on the SET group’s Corporate Governance Policy and Code of Conduct. Adjustments have been made to make it suitable concerning the business operation of each company and in accordance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, including the
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