Annual Report 2017

35 on the SET website together with the ongoing roadshows such as “#Investnow for Office People” and “#Investnow Roadshow” to different destinations nationwide to educate working people about investing. SETs online channel is another important means to reach investors and the public. SET has continuously been polishing its online communication channels by adding new channels, new contents and new features attractive to investors of the current digital age. This included enhancing the TFEX website ( , adjusting Settrade website ( to be an investment portal providing comprehensive investment information; updating the SETSMART system such as Stock Screening and DCA Simulation, etc. to improve the data and menus display; as well as making the end-of-day information available earlier. Additionally, SET has focused more on social media channels such as Facebook, YouTube, LINE Official Account, and Twitter to broadcast news, information and activities real time and with speed at investors’ fingertips. Android systems. Settrade App was downloaded for a total of 150,000 times throughout the year. The Settrade Streaming for Fund application was developed to make it convenient for investors to trade mutual funds via mobile phones, to track their investment portfolios, and to study information on mutual fund to support their investment decision making. The SET App (launched in 2015) had been downloaded more than 500,000 times. In addition to the efficiency in providing investment information, technology also plays an important role in promoting investment and financial management education. SET has developed the SET Digital Education Platform as a learning resource for financial planning and investing in the digital era, both online and via Apps by offering more than 20 e-Learning courses to provide in-depth, step-by-step knowledge to investors and the general public. In 2017, the website received than 11million views. In 2017, the Settrade App was launched focusing on investment information, available on both IOS and