Annual Report 2017

21 Key Statistics of Securities Clearing and Settlement Total Value of Securities Clearing and Settlement (THB Million) Value of Securities in the Securities Depository (THB trillion) Number of Investors under e-DividendService (ID) Number of Securities under e-Dividend Service Number of Companies/Securities in Securities Registrar System Total Volume of Securities Clearing and Settlement (Million Shares) mai SET 2015 65,890.62 1,015,442.73 2016 62,461.01 1,146,649.67 2017 56,539.67 998,866.08 103,005.17 2015 926,236.64 97,006.18 2016 870,398.62 112,413.40 2017 710,021.12 mai SET 2015 2016 2017 Govt bond Equity Corporate bond 11.32 6.83 1.11 14.10 7.40 1.39 16.56 7.80 1.62 2015 2016 2017 2,074,386 2,320,512 2,512,695 687 2,100 2015 714 2,345 2016 747 2,599 2017 Companies Securities 2015 2016 2017 1,658 2,275 2,535