Annual Report 2017

158 Annual Report 2017 26. Results of fund operations Details of the results of fund operations which are included as part of the consolidated and the entity’s statement of comprehensive revenues and expenses are as follows: Consolidated Staff Welfare Fund Securities Investor Protection Fund (SET’s portion) Derivatives Investor Protection Fund (TFEX’s portion) General Fund Total For the year ended 31 December 2017 Revenues Operating revenues - - - 5,006,640 5,006,640 Investment income, net 1,130 11,657 888 1,043,889 1,057,564 Other income - - - 313,753 313,753 Total revenues 1,130 11,657 888 6,364,282 6,377,957 Expenses Operating expenses - 138 111 3,817,856 3,818,105 Contributions to the Stock Exchange of Thailand Foundation - - - 221,075 221,075 Income tax expense - 2,304 155 503,729 506,188 Total expenses - 2,442 266 4,542,660 4,545,368 Revenues over expenses 1,130 9,215 622 1,821,622 1,832,589 Other comprehensive revenues and expense Items that will be reclassified subsequently to revenues and expenses Share of profit of investments in associates - - - 53 53 Change in value of available-for-sale investments managed by SET - - - 322,123 322,123 Change in value of available-for-sale investments from Securities Investor Protection Fund - 9,462 - - 9,462 Incometaxrelatingtoitemsthatwillbereclassified subsequently to revenues and expenses - (3,112) - (65,452) (68,564) Total items that will be reclassified subsequently to revenues and expenses - 6,350 - 256,724 263,074 Items that will not be reclassified subsequently to revenues and expenses Remeasurements of post-employment benefits obligations - - - (147,924) (147,924) Income tax relating to items that will not be reclassified subsequently to revenues and expenses - - - 29,445 29,445 Total items that will not be reclassified to revenues and expenses - - - (118,479) (118,479) Total comprehensive revenues and expenses 1,130 15,565 622 1,959,867 1,977,184 (Unit: Baht’000)