Annual Report 2017
150 Annual Report 2017 The amounts recognised in the statement of financial position are determined as follows: The movement in the defined benefit obligation over the year is as follows: For the years ended 31 December 2017 and 2016 the amounts recognised in the statement of comprehensive revenues and expense are as follows: Consolidated SET 2017 2016 2017 2016 Present value of obligations Retirement benefits 379,065 207,353 377,613 207,353 Other benefits 28,613 30,910 28,613 30,910 Liabilities in the statement of financial position 407,678 238,263 406,226 238,263 Consolidated SET 2017 2016 2017 2016 Current service costs 19,659 18,727 17,734 18,727 Interest costs 8,498 7,849 8,491 7,849 Loss from remeasurements of other benefits (2,935) - (2,935) - 25,222 26,576 23,290 26,576 (Unit: Baht’000) (Unit: Baht’000) Consolidated SET 2017 2016 2017 2016 At 1 January 238,263 222,459 238,263 222,459 Current service costs 19,659 18,727 17,734 18,727 Interest costs 8,498 7,849 8,491 7,849 Loss from remeasurements of other benefits (2,935) - (2,935) - Remeasurements: (Gain)/loss from change in demographic assumptions 9,559 - 9,559 - (Gain)/loss from change in financial assumptions 93,582 - 93,582 - Experience (gain)/loss 44,086 - 44,086 - 410,712 249,035 408,780 249,035 Less Benefits paid (3,034) (10,772) (2,554) (10,772) At 31 December 407,678 238,263 406,226 238,263 Less Current portion (Note 23) (6,360) - (4,908) - Total non-current portion 401,318 238,263 401,318 238,263 (Unit: Baht’000)
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