Annual Report 2017

148 Annual Report 2017 SET Unrealised gain on revaluation of available-for-sale securities Unrealised gain on revaluation of trading securities Total Deferred tax liabilities At 1 January 2016 - - - Tax charged/(credited) to revenues over expenses - 783 783 Tax charged/(credited) to components of other comprehensive revenues over expenses 97,382 - 97,382 At 31 December 2016 97,382 783 98,165 Tax charged/(credited) to revenues over expenses - 5,539 5,539 Tax charged/(credited) to components of other comprehensive revenues over expenses 67,536 - 67,536 At 31 December 2017 164,918 6,322 171,240 (Unit: Baht’000) 22. Accounts payable and accrued expenses Consolidated SET Note 2017 2016 2017 2016 Accounts payable Subsidiaries 8 - - 755 139 Joint venture entity 8 32 81 32 81 Other parties 103,739 87,268 103,239 83,296 103,771 87,349 104,026 83,516 Accrued expenses Subsidiaries 8 - - 17,669 5,914 Joint venture entity 8 16,450 9,340 16,450 8,740 Other parties 907,392 934,814 875,983 917,335 923,842 944,154 910,102 931,989 1,027,613 1,031,503 1,014,128 1,015,505 (Unit: Baht’000)