Annual Report 2017

145 Consolidated 2017 2016 Securities Deposit and benefits Contributions 951,220 877,000 Benefits (semi-annually distribute to members) 4,081 3,283 955,301 880,283 Clearing fund and benefits Contributions 699,554 608,834 Benefits 105,032 92,200 804,586 701,034 1,759,887 1,581,317 Consolidated 2017 2016 Investments managed by private fund Savings accounts 1,165 - Trading Securities 5,110,622 - 5,110,787 - Accrued interest income 11,710 - Other assets 823 - 5,124,320 - (Unit: Baht’000) (Unit: Baht’000) As at 31 December 2017 and 2016, assets for clearing system protection and benefits payable consist of: 20.ReserveFundforclearingandsettlement Reserve Fund for clearing and settlement from SET established as a source of funds for clearing house to compensate for any damage that may result from default or damages that may be caused by the actions of members in the business relating to the settlement and delivery of securities of the clearing house. On 14 January 2015 and 27 April 2016, the Board of Directors approved an appropriation of reserve fund for clearing and settlement in the approximately Baht 5,690 million during 2016-2020 for compliance with the standard of clearing house set by the Overseas Securities Regulator and for enhance competitiveness and support future business expansion. As at 31 December 2017, the reserve fund for clearing and settlement was Baht 5,124.32 million. As at 31 December 2017 and 2016, reserve fund for clearing and settlement consist of: Investments in private fund are managed by 2 asset management companies.