Annual Report 2017

141 17. Intangible assets, net Consolidated Computer software Patent Work in process Total As at 1 January 2016 Cost 1,409,652 2,819 2,415 1,414,886 Less Accumulated amortisation (908,350) (515) - (908,865) Net book amount 501,302 2,304 2,415 506,021 For the year ended 31 December 2016 Opening net book amount 501,302 2,304 2,415 506,021 Additions 14,748 48 56,472 71,268 Amortisation charge (110,228) (388) - (110,616) Transfer 43,186 - (43,186) - Closing net book amount 449,008 1,964 15,701 466,673 As at 31 December 2016 Cost 1,467,625 2,867 15,701 1,486,193 Less Accumulated amortisation (1,018,617) (903) - (1,019,520) Net book amount 449,008 1,964 15,701 466,673 For the year ended 31 December 2017 Opening net book amount 449,008 1,964 15,701 466,673 Additions 28,374 - 52,052 80,426 Disposals (6) - - (6) Amortisation charge (119,850) (385) - (120,235) Transfer 33,746 - (33,746) - Closing net book amount 391,272 1,579 34,007 426,858 As at 31 December 2017 Cost 1,519,025 2,867 34,007 1,555,899 Less Accumulated amortisation (1,127,753) (1,288) - (1,129,041) Net book amount 391,272 1,579 34,007 426,858 (Unit: Baht’000)