Annual Report 2017

129 9. Cash and cash equivalents Consolidated SET 2017 2016 2017 2016 Cash on hand 350 314 332 310 Savings and current accounts 1,260,862 716,870 854,010 612,053 1,261,212 717,184 854,342 612,363 Note Consolidated SET 2017 2016 2017 2016 Investments managed by SET General investments 7,394 35,507 7,394 35,507 Less Allowance for impairment losses - (10,918) - (10,918) 7,394 24,589 7,394 24,589 Available-for-sales 2,925,952 1,662,810 2,925,952 1,662,810 Held-to-maturity debt securities 15 - 10,000 - 10,000 2,933,346 1,697,399 2,933,346 1,697,399 Investments managed by private funds Held-to-maturity debt securities 364,946 650,882 364,946 650,882 Trading securities 3,351,602 7,828,762 3,351,602 7,828,762 3,716,548 8,479,644 3,716,548 8,479,644 6,649,894 10,177,043 6,649,894 10,177,043 (Unit: Baht’000) (Unit: Baht’000) For the year ended 31 December 2017, savings accounts carried the interest at rates ranging from 0.10% - 1.20% per annum (2016: from 0.10% - 1.25% per annum). 10. Short-term investments, net Investments managed by the SET General investments: As at 31 December 2017, investments in specific-purpose funds represented investments in 1 open-ended venture capital funds (2016: 2 open-ended venture capital funds). The details are as follows: 1. In 2008, invested in a non-retail fund which primarily invests directly in businesses and industries which have potential growth the majority of which was long-term investment. The fund has an automatic redemption from the fourth year (2012). 2. In 2007, invested in a non-retail fund, which primarily invests directly in energy, alternative and renewable energy firms and businesses that support the government’s energy policies. The fund is an open-ended fund and has an automatic redemption from the sixth year (2013) when the fund disposes of its assets, and then no further re-investment. On 26 August 2017, the fund is at maturity date, and SET has redeemed all the investment.