Annual Report 2017

104 Annual Report 2017 (Unit : Baht’000) The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated and entity financial statements. Statement of Changes in Fund Balances The Stock Exchange of Thailand and its Subsidiaries For the year ended 31 December 2017 Consolidated Note Fund balances Other components of fund balances Total fund balances Non- controlling interests Total fund balances Change in value of available- for-sale investments managed by SET (net of tax) Change in value of available- for-sale investments fromSecurities Investor Protection Fund (net of tax) Share of other comprehensive loss of associates (net of tax) Total other components of fund balances Opening balance at 1 January 2016 23,250,689 136,271 2,666 (72) 138,865 23,389,554 2 23,389,556 Othercomprehensiverevenuesandexpenses(netoftax) 26 (61) 246,700 2,207 (9) 248,898 248,837 - 248,837 Revenues over expenses 26 1,759,270 - - - - 1,759,270 - 1,759,270 Closing balance at 31 December 2016 25,009,898 382,971 4,873 (81) 387,763 25,397,661 2 25,397,663 Opening balance at 1 January 2017 25,009,898 382,971 4,873 (81) 387,763 25,397,661 2 25,397,663 Othercomprehensiverevenuesandexpenses(netoftax) 26 (118,479) 256,671 6,350 53 263,074 144,595 - 144,595 Revenues over expenses 26 1,832,589 - - - - 1,832,589 - 1,832,589 Closing balance at 31 December 2017 26,724,008 639,642 11,223 (28) 650,837 27,374,845 2 27,374,847 Note SET Fund balances Other components of fund balances Total fund balances Change in value of available-for- sale investments managed by SET (net of tax) Change in value of available-for-sale investments from Securities Investor Protection Fund (net of tax) Total other components of fund balances Opening balance at 1 January 2016 22,153,272 144,182 2,666 146,848 22,300,120 Other comprehensive revenues and expenses (net of tax) 26 - 246,700 2,207 248,907 248,907 Revenues over expenses 26 1,549,124 - - - 1,549,124 Closing balance at 31 December 2016 23,702,396 390,882 4,873 395,755 24,098,151 Opening balance at 1 January 2017 23,702,396 390,882 4,873 395,755 24,098,151 Other comprehensive revenues and expenses (net of tax) 26 (117,782) 257,699 6,350 264,049 146,267 Revenues over expenses 26 1,423,537 - - - 1,423,537 Closing balance at 31 December 2017 25,008,151 648,581 11,223 659,804 25,667,955 (Unit : Baht’000)