Annual Report 2017

102 Annual Report 2017 Statements of Comprehensive Revenues and Expenses The Stock Exchange of Thailand and its Subsidiaries For the year ended 31 December 2017 Notes Consolidated SET Restated Restated 2017 2016 2017 2016 Revenues Operating revenues 27 5,006,640 5,099,000 2,281,975 2,300,790 Investment income, net 28 1,045,019 766,861 1,308,635 1,144,429 Other income 29 279,603 181,153 1,864,394 1,960,975 Total revenues 6,331,262 6,047,014 5,455,004 5,406,194 Expenses Employee benefit expenses 30 1,569,086 1,465,774 1,527,637 1,456,333 Directors’ remuneration 8 26,323 25,287 22,761 22,203 Marketing expenses 221,930 158,801 208,861 144,589 Educational activity expenses 161,731 178,925 161,826 178,990 Direct service expenses 292,393 286,133 - - Building and office expenses 199,715 231,602 199,476 231,389 Technology expenses 212,787 190,757 212,511 190,622 SEC fees 31 491,110 536,451 489,110 534,451 Depreciation and amortisation 16, 17 463,433 467,132 462,867 466,440 Other expenses 32 179,348 152,797 199,534 160,832 Total expenses 3,817,856 3,693,659 3,484,583 3,385,849 Share of profit of investments in associates and joint venture entity (net of tax) 14 34,150 25,831 - - Revenues over expenses 2,547,556 2,379,186 1,970,421 2,020,345 Non-operating items Income derived from Securities Investor Protection Fund, net 26 9,215 11,124 9,215 11,124 Income derived from Derivatives Investor Protection Fund, net 26 622 764 - - Contributions to the Stock Exchange of Thailand Foundation 8 (221,075) (401,190) (221,075) (401,190) Revenues over expenses before income tax expense 2,336,318 1,989,884 1,758,561 1,630,279 Income tax expense 4, 33 (503,729) (230,614) (335,024) (81,155) Revenues over expenses 1,832,589 1,759,270 1,423,537 1,549,124 Revenues over expenses for the year attributable to: Owners of the parent 1,832,589 1,759,270 1,423,537 1,549,124 Non-controlling interests - - - - 1,832,589 1,759,270 1,423,537 1,549,124 (Unit : Baht’000) The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated and entity financial statements.